Once day you want to rename your database in MySQL for whatever reason. How can you do this idea?
via phpMyAdmin
From phpMyAdmin, we often rename a database by applying the following steps:
- Select database on the left side bar/tree or in Databases tab.
- Click on Operations tab.
- Type a new name for the database in the text box along with the label Rename database to,
- Click Go button to process the operation.
See the inserted image as below for your reference.
via MySQL Command Line
[box type=”info” align=”aligncenter” ]In principle, export structure and data of the database that you want to rename, then create a fresh one and append all the newly exported data to the new one. Finally, delete the old database.[/box]
- Export structure and data of the database which is going to rename.
mysqldump -u a_given_username -p the_database > dbexport.sql - Log in to your MySQL Server from a terminal.
mysql -u a_given_username -p - Create a fresh database
CREATE DATABASE new_database; - Import structure and data to the newly created database.
mysql -u a_given_username -p new_database < dbexport.sql - Delete the old database
DROP DATABASE the_database;