When working with RESTful APIs, developers often hit API endpoints to test and look up data in either JSON or XML as the common formats. We have published two recent…
Category: Terminal
pbcopy and pbpaste with Terminal in MacOS
The MacOS shell is very powerful to let you solve all your problems without making use of graphical tools. However, I am pretty sure an awful lot of users are…
Add git branch name to bash prompt
By default, git won’t display branch name to terminal prompt. To know which branch you are in, just run git branch command. However, if you want to customise how to…
How to export environment variables defined in a file
Using environment variables in modern applications is very common https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/79064/how-to-export-variables-from-a-file https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/79084/30988 set -a . ./tmp.txt set +a
Create Symbolic Links on Windows
Your Python codes store and resident in many places on your computer. Is this a bit messed up to remember which Python directory you are looking for, isn’t it? On…
Use PowerShell to Set Environment Variables
What Are Environment Variables? Two fundamental components of any computer programming language are variables and constants. Like independent variables in a mathematical equation, these take on values that change the results of the…
See cluster resources usage with kubectl command
Monitoring resources is among the significantly important tasks of an engineer working with Kubernetes. In the K8s ecosystem, we can find a range of tools and software allow us to…
How to append text to a system file via terminal with sudo command
Working with Unix-based systems, I have gradually become sluggish to open an editor and tweak something in a file. Especially, system files must only be allowed by a superuser to…