The shorthand techniques can help you to write optimized code and let you achieve your goal with less coding. Let’s discuss some of the shorthand tips and tricks of JavaScript one by one.
Table of Contents
Declaring variables
// longhand var x; var y; var z = 5; // shorthand var x, y, z = 5;
Ternary operators
// longhand let isEven; if (number%2 === 1) { isEven = false; } else { isEven = true; } // shorthand let isEven = number%2 === 0 ? true : false; // shorthand - another version let isEven = number%2 === 0
Assignment operators
// longhand x = x + y; x = x - y; // shorthand x += y; x -= y;
Boolean comparison
let isEven = false; let number; // longhand if (number % 2 === 0) { isEven = true; } else { isEven = false; } // shorthand isEven = number % 2 === 0;
Arrow functions
// longhand function isEven(number) { if (number % 2 === 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } // shorthand const isEven = number => { return number % 2 === 0; }Ả
Operators on Array, Object, etc.
// longhand "Tom Nguyen".chartAt(0); // output: 'T' // shorthand "Tom Nguyen"[0]; // output: 'T' // longhand let members = Array(); members[0] = "Tom"; members[1] = "Lily"; members[2] = "Tony"; members[3] = "Ethan"; // shorthand let a = ["Tom", "Lily", "Tony", "Ethan"];