(English) How to merge arrays in JavaScript

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Using JavaScript console better

The console object provides access to the debugging console (e.g., the Web console in Firefox). The specifics of how it works vary from browser to browser or server runtimes (Node.js, for example), but there…

Popular shorthand techniques in JavaScript

The shorthand techniques can help you to write optimized code and let you achieve your goal with less coding. Let’s discuss some of the shorthand tips and tricks of JavaScript…

(English) How to show a loading spinner using jQuery

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(English) How to Validate Min and Max Length of Input Field using jQuery

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(English) How to console.log in JSX

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How to change font size for text shown on arcs in D3Js

using .style(« font-size », « 1.5em »)

Checking existence of an element in an array with JavaScript

JavaScript is a loosely typed or a dynamic language. Variables in JavaScript are not directly associated with any particular value type, and any variable can be assigned (and reassigned) values…

(English) Understanding data type of dictionary in JavaScript

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How to build and render data in JSON format with Grails

Nowadays, an awful lot of web based applications are using JSON as a principal data to load and render information rapidly. While some applications store data into persistence volume as…