
all manner of something

A lot of sorts of people or things = a lot of different types
  • The shop has all manner of interesting things for sale. 
  • They gave a lecture on all manner of subjects.
  • There are all manner of architectural styles in the capital.

out of depth

Out of depth: không đủ chuyên môn, trình độ để làm việc gì đó ( idiom này tương đương 8.5 )
VD: I was out of my depth in the advanced class, so I moved to the lower

out of place

to feel uncomfortable because you are in a place or situation that isn't suitable for you.
She feels out of place among this group of intellectual employees.
I feel out of place in this department.

stab someone in the back

thành ngữ: đâm sau lưng: to do something harmful to someone who trusted you
  • He had been lied to and stabbed in the back by the people that he thought were his best friends. 
  • When I was in trouble, all my friends stabbed me in the back.

love me love my dog

Yêu ai yêu cả đường đi lối về

turn up your nose at something

to refuse to accept something because you feel that it is not good enough for you.
khinh thường, chê bai điều gì
She turned up her nose at the job because she didn't think it had enough status.
I'm not in a finanical position to turn up my nose at several hundred thousand pounds.
Many professors turn their noses up at television.
My children turn their noses up at home cooking.

to be on the same page

to think in a similar way; to understand and agree with what is being done or suggested.
I work well with my co-worker Paul because we are always on the same page. We agree on almost everything.

to get cold feet

To feel nervous
She got cold feet at the last moment and called off the wedding.

to put something on ice

To stop doing something
We decided to put the project on ice until we hire a new project manager.

put your thinking cap on

to think seriously about something
I need some interesting suggestions so if you can put your thinking cap on I'd be grateful.
All right now, let's put on your thinking caps and do some arithmetic.

gild the lily

to improve or decorate something that is already perfect and therefore spoil it -> sự giúp đỡ thừa thải
Should I add a scarf to this jacket or would it be gilding the lily?
When it comes to cooking, there is no need to gild the lily.
They do the drama really well without gilding the lily.

on the horizon

Likely to happen in the near future
Our financial position is precarious and there are tremendous challenges on the horizon.
Their business will flourish on the horizon.

a storm in a teacup

phóng đại sự việc; chuyện bé xé ra to
US: tempest in a teapot
  • a lot of unnecessary anger and worry about a matter that is not important: nhiều lo lắng và giận dữ về một vấn đề gì đó mà không quan trọng (Cambridge dictionary)
  • a situation where people get very angry and worried about something that is not important
  • great outrage or excitement about a trivial matter.
  • I think it's all a storm in a teacup - there's probably no danger to public health at all.
    Tôi nghĩ tất cả điều đó không quan trọng, không nhất thiết phải lo lắng và giận dữ như thế - chắc là không nguy hiểm đến sức khỏe công cộng.
  • Both are trying to present the disagreement as a storm in a teacup.
    Cả hai đang cố gắng trình bày sự bất đồng mà thực ra là không cần thiết phải như thế vì vấn đề nó không to tát gì để cãi nhau.

the sky is the limit

There is no limit to what can be achieved. (không có giới hạn cho những thành tựu mà ai đó có thể đạt được)
These days it seems the sky is the limit for successful young Internet ventures.
You can do anything you put your mind to. The sky is the limit.

break the ice

phá vỡ sự yên lặng

bring home the bacon

This phrase is commonly understood to mean to earn money. Read more
Kiếm tiền nuôi gia đình.
Đi cày để mang tiền về cho vk
Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon.

be short notice

to be very near the time when an event is expected to happen: xác với thời gian một sự kiện được mong đợi diễn ra.
I will have to cancel this afternoon's class - I'm sorry it's such short notice.

at short notice: only a short time before something happens.
I can't cancel my plans at such short time.

be sitting pretty

to be in a good position, usually because you have a lot of money
They bought their house while prices were low, so now they're sitting pretty.
Ngồi mát ăn bát vàng.

catch my eye

(C2) có nghĩa: lấy được sự chú ý, thu hút ánh nhìn của ai đó
Her sparkling dress caught my eye. Do you know where I can buy it?
Cái đầm lấp lánh của cô ấy được được sự chú ý của mình. Bạn có biết chỗ nào chỉ cho mình mua một chiếc.
Her attractive smile has caught everyone's eye.
Nụ cười quyến rũ của cô ấy đã thu hút ánh mắt của tất cả mọi người.

Ngoài ra, có thể dùng theo dạng tính từ "eye-catching" nghĩa là bắt mắt.
What an eye-catching design!
Một thiết kế bắt mắt!

I am down

It is a common idiom.

Have you heard this phrase as a response to a question like "What do you think?" or "Is that okay with you?"

"I'm down" is a casual way to say "That sounds good," "It's cool with me," or "Let's do it."

A student asked me about this phrase a few days ago because she thought it meant "I'm sad," or "I'm feeling down."

As with many English expressions, context is everything! "I'm down" is a positive, energetic phrase. You might also hear "I'm down for that," or even "I'm up for that."

be done for

To be in a difficult situation 
If we miss the deadline, we are done for.
You have to snap up this opportunity, or you will be done for. 

steer clear of

to avoid someone or something
I am trying to steer clear of any unhealthy lifestyle.
She steered clear of politicians.

for a song

Khi bạn mua được món gì đó với giá rẻ thì bạn có thể sử dụng cụm này nhé.
I bought this elegant watch at the flea market yesterday just for a song.

kick the bucket

- Kick the bucket : chết ( nói một cách hài hước )
Ex: When the old girl finally kicked the bucket there was no mention of yours truly in the will.

let my hair down

Thư giãn đi.
Let your hair down: xoã đi, lo gì.

head over heels in love

completely in love (with another person)
Laura fell head over heels in love with Chris.

cozy up to

to try to have a friendly relationship with someone in order to get an advantage: cố gắng tỏ ra thân thiện với một ai đó để lợi dụng họ
He was cozying up to his bosses and some entrepreneurs.
He was known for cozying up to politicians.

go the distance

to keep doing what is necessary until you achieve a goal.
This young lady is brimmed with confidence and ready to go the distance.
The competition is fierce this year, but my team is determined to go the distance.

be under the gun

to be worried because you need to solve a problem before a deadline expires.
We are under the gun to decide who is going to be in charge of the project.
Our panel of experts has been under the gun.

pass the torch to someone

to transfer one's responsibilities to someone else
We've decided to pass the torch to a new generation.
He is passing the torch to Stewart as head of the personnel department.

dressed up to the nines

to be wearing fashionable or formal clothes
The candidates were all dressed up to the nines.
Thomas is dressed up to the nines.

a drop in the ocean

US: a drop in the bucket
A drop in the ocean (US cũng dùng cụm A drop in the bucket với nghĩa tương tự): Muối bỏ bể.
Thành ngữ “a drop in the ocean” dùng để chỉ một số lượng rất nhỏ trong một thứ rất to lớn.Ví dụ: The money sent by comic relief to help poverty in Africa is just a drop in the ocean. They need far more than this.

(C2) a very small amount compared to the amount needed. = mot phan rat nho
My letter of protest was just a drop in the ocean.
Just learning idioms is a drop in the ocean when it comes to preparing for the speaking test.

it hits the spot

Đúng ý tôi rồi đó!

from hell

very bad; awful
She was stuck at the airport for 45 hours. It was the holiday from Hell.

take pride in something or somebody

to be proud of something or somebody: tự hào về điều gì đó hoặc ai đó
They took pride in their children.

as nutty as a fruitcake

quái gở
She's nutty as a fruitcake.

the apple of his eye

the apple of  someone's eye: người mà ai đó yêu quý nhất và rất tự hào.
His youngest daughter was the apple of his eye.

behind closed doors

in secret or in private
The politicans made their schemes behind closed doors.

puch the clock

(US idiom) to put a card into a special machine to record the times you arrive at and leave work
After 17 years of punching the clock, he just disappeared one morning and was never heard from again.

on the cards

likely to happen: có thể xảy ra
Accident is on the cards if he drives recklessly.

chậm như rùa bò

extremely slow
as slow as molasses: cực kì chậm. "Molasses" là mật đường. Mật đường nhỏ từng giọt chậm chạp.

Người Anh họ dùng sluggish: con ốc không vỏ cứng, cũng bò chậm chạp như ốc sên.

As slow as molasses in January

At a snail's pace
The roads were full of traffic and we were travelling at a snail's pace for two hours.
Trên đường đầy xe và chúng tôi đang di chuyển với tốc độ rùa bò trong vòng 2 tiếng đồng hồ.
Traffic had slowed to a snail's pace.
Giao thông chậm như rùa bò.

As slow as a tortoise: chậm như rùa 
As slow as a snail: chậm sư sên

have ants in your pants

old-fashioned; humorous
to not be able to keep still because you are very excited or worried about something: quá phấn khích, quá lo lắng đến mức như kiến chui vào quần nên đứng ngồi cũng không yên.
to be very restless or impatient: rất mất kiên nhẫn
to be so excited, nervous and anxious about something that it's hard to be still and calm.
Before, there would be no way I would sit down and take it easy. It was like I had ants in my paints.
My children have ants in their pants because is Christmas and they are excited about their presents.
Every time we take our children to holidays they jump around like they've got ants in their pants and I constantly have to ask them to sit down.

go to the dog

to become much worse in quality or character: ngày càng sa sút 
After Joe retired, the business went to the dogs.
Sau khi nghỉ hưu, doanh nghiệp đó đã làm ăn sa sút rất nhiều.
After decided to break up her boyfriend, Hanh went to the dogs.
Sau khi quyết định chia tay bạn trai, Hạnh ngày càng sa sút.

work like a dog

làm việc chăm chỉ

have bigger fish to fry

or: have other fish to fry: to have something more important to do: việc quan trọng khác/hơn cần phải làm
I cannot deal with this now - I've got other fish to fry.
When I asked my friend to help me for the project, he told me that he had bigger fish to fry.

be mother

in Br. En. To pour out tea for others. Pouring tea is traditionally the mother's role in a family setting.
Ah, here are the cakes and tea; shall I be mother?

be curtains for

to be the end of someone or something
If you don't send them the report by Friday, it will be curtains for you.
If he fails to strike a fair deal with our neighbours, it will be curtains for his political career.

cross that bridge when someone comes or gets it

an expression that means you will not worry about a possible future problem but will deal with it if it happens.
to deal with a problem or situation only if and when it arises.
It's possible we'll eventually have more books than available space for them, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

not be born yesterday

to not be stupid or easy to deceive: tao không có ngu 
You don't fool me - I wasn't born yesterday. 

be my guest

used to give someone permission to do something
If you want to use my laptop, be my guest.
Would you mind if I asked you a question? - Be my guest.

drag someone feet

delay: chần chừ, trì hoãn làm việc gì đó
I advise him to see his doctor but he drags his feet.

over and done with

If something is over and done with, it is completely finished and you don't have to think about it any more.
I am glad the regular checkups are over and done with.
Once this task is all over and done with, we can head south towards the countryside.

let your hair down

idiom, old-fashioned, informal
to allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and enjoy yourself, especially in a lively way: thư giãn
Oh let your hair down for once!
It's about time you let your hair down and had some fun!

to be sick at heart

very unhappy: rất thất vọng
I was sick at heart when hearing your news.
Tom was sick at heart about having to leave his family behind.

no laughing matter

a serious issue
This is no laughing matter. Your mistake has cost the company a lot of money!

see red

(C2) to become very angry
When Joe found out that his wife was using his credit card again, he started to see red.
People who don't finish a job really make me see red.

be at a premium

to be not common and therefore valuable: vì nó không phổ biến và vì thế có giá = hiếm
Other definition: if something is at a premium, it is wanted and needed, but is difficult to get or achieve.
Free time is at a premium for working parents. Đối với các ông bố bà mẹ đi làm thì thời gian rảnh là vô cùng quý giá.

pick your brain

pick someone's brain: xin lời khuyên của ai đó
You have just got 8.5 for IELTS writing. I need to pick your brain about how to achieve this.

lie through your teeth

informal: nói dối trắng trợn
The witness was clearly lying through her teeth.
He lied through his teeth that he didn't go to the cinema, though he was still holding the ticket stub in his hand as he said it.

waste your breath

Khuyên ai đó nhưng người đó lại không thèm nghe bạn. Dịch dân dã: tốn hơi, tốn nước miếng; phí hơi với người nào đó. Hao hơi, tổn tiếng. If you waste your breath, you spend time and energy trying to give advice that is ignored. To say something that will likely be ignored.
Honestly, you're wasting your breath - he doesn't want to hear what anyone else has got to say.
Don't waste your breath: Đừng hao hơi tổn sức nữa.
Don't waste your breath arguing with him. Đừng có dư hơi mà tranh luận với nó.

be at it

to be involved in doing something: bị dính líu, bị liên quan hoặc được tham gia làm việc gì đó.
We've caught so many people cheating that we become convinced everyone is at it.
Our street was buzzing with home-improvement activities. Everybody seemed to be at it - painting, gardening, hammering, drilling.
The band has been at it for over a decade without major success.
The group should appeal to new knitters as well as those who've been at it for years.

to get a handle on something

Get a handle on something: to begin to understand or be able to deal with something: bắt đầu hiểu/biết cách làm gì đấy
Operating this machine is difficult, but now I can get a handle on it.
To help you get a handle on what colleges are looking for, check out these admissions websites.
By coming in early, staying late, and working weekends she started to get a handle on the problem.

chew the fat

Meaning to chat or gossip
After lunch time, we often chew the fat.

take five

take a short break
May be an image of 2 people and text that says May be a doodle of text that says

not have the foggiest idea

to not know or understand something at all
I didn't have the foggiest idea what he was talking about.

if my memory serves me right

Nếu tôi nhớ chính xác (i.e., không nhầm) = if I remember correctly
Also, if memory serves
I think he was called Blake, if my memory serves me right.
If memory serves, we turn left here.

to be etched in memory

hằn sâu trong tâm trí/khảm: to be something that you will continue to remember
The scenes in the film I watched yesterday night will be etched on my memory forever.
Những cảnh trong bộ phim tối qua sẽ khắc sâu trong tâm khảm của tôi.
The island remained etched in my memory.
Hòn đảo đó vẫn còn hằn sâu trong tâm trí tôi.
Synonyms: to be etched in my memory/mind.

an awful lot

informal, idioms
1/ a large amount
They lost an awful lot of money.
She does an awful of talking.

2/ very much
I like him an awful lot.

go to bed with the sun

đi ngủ sớm: to go to sleep at a particularly early hour as around sundown or at sunset.
The campers went to bed with the sun.
Mom goes to bed with the sun, so we can definitely sneak out and go to the party.
When we were young and our parents were busy the household work, we used to go to bed with sun without having dinner.
go to bed with the chickens: ngủ sớm lúc gà mới lên chuồng
go to bed with the cows: ngủ sớm lúc bò mới vào chuồng

on par with someone or something

equal or similar to someone or something
In my opinion, none of the new jazz trumpeters are on par with Miles Davis.
be on a par (with something): to be at the same level or standard.
The wages of clerks were on par with those of manual workers.
We will have Christmas decorations on a par with anything on show at the Metro Centre.

lose yourself in something

  1. to become so interested in something that it takes all your attention.
  2. to be paying so much attention to something that you do not notice anything else.
    She listened intently to the music, losing herself in its beauty.
    Losing yourself in a great novel is one of life's joy. Here our critics Ceri Radford and Chris Harvey pick the books you need to read.

Give someone a pain

To give someone a pain is to annoy them.
Don't give me a pain. I haven't had any rest since morning.

A pain in the neck

Pain in the neck is an annoyance.
Your little boy is a real pain in the neck once you are on holidays. 

sick as a dog

vomiting a lot
I was sick as a dog after last night's meal.
My older son was sick as a dog after once he is the car I drive.

sick at heart

very unhappy = buồn đến tận con tim
David was sick at heart about having to leave his family behind.
We will be sick at heart due to giving up the dream of travelling around the world with my parents.

sick as a parrot

UK humorous slang
very disappointed
He was sick as a parrot when his team lost the match.
I was sick as a parrot when my boss rejected my  promotion salary increase.

take something with a grain of salt

to understand that something is likely to be untrue or incorrect: I’ve seen the article, which I take it with a grain of salt.
Of course, though, this is just rumour and speculation, so take it all with a grain of salt. If proven accurate, however, then it seems that Nvidia might have one last little surprise for us in 2021. Read more Source Says Nvidia 2060 & 30XX VRAM Revisions Will Launch Next Month! | eTeknix

dont get me wrong

Đừng hiểu nhầm (ý của) tôi
A: Is it that you hate sleeping with me?
B: Uh, oh, no, no... Don't get me wrong. We'll be sleeping together.

be up in arms

to be very angry; angry and complaining about something
They're up in arms about/over the new management structure.
She has been up in arms about the rent increase.
Residents are up in arms about the closure of the local library.
Nhiều khách hàng của Coinbase phàn nàn sau khi hackers rút tiền từ ví của họ.

every now and then

every now and again
sometimes, but not regularly
We still get together for lunch every now and then.
We still meet for lunch now and then, but not as often as we used to.

day by day

gradually over many days
Day by day my father grew stronger.

on the cheap

for a low price or at very little cost; inexpensively 
You want new carpets? My brother-in-law can get them on the cheap from a friend of his.
The store is selling all of its merchandise on the cheap as part of its liquidation sale.
economically; at very little cost
We're travelling around Europe on the cheap.
(informal) for less than the normal cost (and therefore of poor quality)
He got it on the cheap so I wasn't surprised when it broke after a couple of months.

with regard to sb/sth

also: in regard to: concerning a particular subject or someone (in connection with)
a change in the laws with regard to food safety
With regard to the discussion about immigration, I'd like to hear Ms. Masolo's opinion.
I am calling in regard to your recent journey.
I am writing to you with regard to your letter of 15 March.
With regard to that proposal, I think we should postpone it for now.
What shall we do in regard to planning dinner?
With regard to Bill, I think he is working too hard.

contribute to sth

to help to cause an event or situation = thúc đẩy làm một sự kiện hoặc tình huống nào xảy ra
Smoking contributed to his early death.
Hút thuốc đã gây nên cái chết sớm của ông ấy.
January was an incredibly challenging month at Colourbox with five room closures as a result of children bringing Covid 19 into our settings.  This has contributed  to six staff contracting the virus - of whom 3 became seriously unwell.

in this day and age

at the present time
You can't afford to run businesses inefficiently in this day and age.
Hiện tại bạn không đủ khả năng để vận hành những kinh doanh của một cách hiệu quả.

to this day

up to and including the present moment
To this day nobody knows what happened to him.

in the days

a period in history
How did people communicate in the days before mail?
It's inconceivable how people keep in touch with in the days before email and social network?

day and night

all the time
You can hear the traffic from your room day and night.

day by day

gradually over many days = every day, or more and more as each day passes
Day by day my father grew stronger.
Day by day he became weaker.
(from) day to day = if something changes (from) day to day, it changes often
The symptoms of the disease change day to day.

cannot help

cannot help something: to not able to control or stop something
"Stop laughing". "I can't help it"
cannot help doing something:
cannot help falling in love 

cross your mind

(B2) If an idea crossed your mind, you think about it for a short time
What was the first thing that crossed your mind when you won the prize?
It never crossed my mind (= I never thought) that she might be married.
The only reason crossed my mind in this point in time is you searched for "COVID 19" on 22nd December when the model wasn't probably tagged with COVID-19 label.

in the eye of the storm

deeply involved in a difficult or controversial situation which affects or interests a lot of people
được/bị liên quan chặt chẽ trong một tình huống khó/gây tranh cãi mà có ảnh hưởng hoặc thích thú nhiều người = trước cơn bão

in the light of sth

(C1) US - in light of sth: because of
  • In the light of recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care of their personal belongings.
    Vì những sự cố gần đây, chúng tôi đang kêu gọi khách hàng hãy đặc biệt quan tâm đến đồ đạc cá nhân của mình.
  • In light of the Prime Minister’s surprise announcement that all schools are to move to remote learning from tomorrow, Anglian Learning have taken the decision to close all of their primaries, including Linton Heights Junior School, to EVERYONE, for the next two days.
    Bởi vì thông báo bất ngờ của thủ tướng rằng tất cả các trường học là phải chuyển sang học từ xa/qua mạng từ ngày mai, Anglian Learning vừa đưa ra quyết định để đóng cửa tất cả các trường tiểu học, trong đó bao gồm trường LHJS, đến tất cả mọi người, trong vòng hai ngày tới.

my cup of tea

use not my cup of tea to tell us about the things you don't like!
not be sb's cup of tea = if something is not your cup of tea, it is not the type of thing that you like!
When we say that something is not our cup of tea, it means that we do not like it.
Sci-fi is not my cup of tea. I prefer to love stories.
Thanks for inviting me, but ballet isn't my cup of tea.
Football? Ah... em... I don't really like football... And, it's gonna be too hot. Thanks. But sorry. It's not my cup of tea.

more our cup of tea than

We can also that something is more our cup of tea than another thing.
Comics are more my cup of tea than novels.
Rock music is more my cup of tea than pop.

get itchy feet

  to start to want to travel or do something different
  muốn đi đây đó hoặc làm gì đó mới mẻ
Giải nghĩa:
Đã bao giờ bạn làm việc quá lâu, quá mệt mỏi và thèm một cảm giác “vi vu”? Thay vì nói: “I want to travel very much”, bạn có thể dùng cấu trúc: “I will get itchy feet”. Đây là lối diễn đạt thể hiện sự thích thú, đam mê du lịch, sẵn sàng xách ba lô lên và đi. Cái cảm giác mọi thứ như tù túng bạn, làm cho bạn muốn bứt ra khỏi đó và làm một chuyến đi thật xa, để khám phá những điều mới lạ hơn của cuộc sống.
Ví dụ:
  After three years in the job she began to get itchy feet.
=> Cô ấy bắt đầu muốn đổi việc sau khi gắn bó với công việc này 3 năm.
  He gets itchy feet after 3 years living at home and he will make a move soon.
=> Anh ấy cảm thấy khó chịu đứng ngồi không yên sau 3 năm sống ở nhà. Và anh ta sẽ chuyển đi sớm thôi.
  I’ve always had a thirst for adventure and often get itchy feet so I decided to set out to a journey next month
=> Tôi luôn có đam mê khám phá và thường cảm thấy "ngứa chân" vì thế tôi quyết định sẽ làm một chuyến du lịch vào tháng sau.

get along with someone

có mối quan hệ tốt với ai đó = If two or more people get along, they like each other and are friendly to each other
I don't really get along with my sister. Mối quan hệ của tôi với chị gái không được tốt lắm.
I've always gotten along with Amanda - I think she's very nice. Tôi có quan hệ tốt với Amanda - Tôi thấy cô ấy tốt.

break in

completely in love with another person = si mê một ai đó
Laura fell head over heels in love with Chris. Laura quá yêu anh Chris.
He's head over heels in love with me. Anh ấy si mê tôi. Tôi đã phải lòng anh ấy.

put my heart and soul into th

to make a lot of effort to do something = to do something with the utmost of one's energy, enthusiasm and determination.
She puts her heart and soul into her work.
I'm so sorry that you lost the restaurant, Jim. I know you put your heart and soul into it.
See: go the extra mile for somebody

as right as rain

feeling completely well and healthy
I was feeling unwell last week but now I'm as right as rain. How are you?

let the cat out of the bag

tiết lộ bí mật = the cat's out out the bag
Nguồn gốc: Có 2 giả thuyết về xuất xứ của câu nói này.
1. Vào thời trung đại, khi người ta mua bán thú vật hay bỏ vào bịch. Một số buôn lái gian xảo khi bán heo con thường đổi thành một con mèo bỏ vào bịch. Người mua mang bịch về nhà mở ra mới phát hiện "bí mật" là mình bị lừa mua con mèo chứ không phải heo con.
2. Trên tàu Hải quân ở Anh thời xưa, khi lính không vâng lời cấp trên hay bị trừng phạt bằng roi tên là cat o' nine tails. Roi này thường được để trong một cái túi đỏ mà chỉ huy trên tàu hay mang theo. Mỗi lần lấy roi ra đánh thì để lại những vế như mèo cào. Lính trên tàu hay truyền miệng nhau rằng "he would take the cat out of the bag in front of the assembled crew and there would be no secret about what would happen next.”/"Ông ta/chỉ huy mà lấy 'con mèo' ra khỏi túi trước toàn bộ lính và sẽ không còn bí mật gì về điều gì sẽ diễn ra tiếp theo nữa."
✏️ Câu ví dụ:
- I was trying to keep the party a secret, but Mel went and let the cat out of the bag.
Dịch: Tôi cố giữ bí mật về bữa tiệt, nhưng Mel đi tiết lộ bí mật rồi.
- How did Mom find out we were planning a surprise party for her? Who let the cat out of the bag?
Dịch: Sao mẹ biết mình dự định làm bữa tiệt bất ngờ cho mẹ? Ai tiết lộ bí mật vậy?
- We've had cameras hidden and microphones installed in his apartment to gather incriminating evidence, but I think the cat's out of the bag.
Dịch: Chúng tôi đã giấu máy quay và cài microphone trong căn hộ của anh ta để tìm bằng chứng gây án, nhưng tôi nghĩ bí mật đã bị tiết lộ rồi.

the last straw

giọt nước tràn ly = the final straw
Nguồn gốc: 
- Thành ngữ này là viết ngắn gọn cho thành ngữ “THE LAST STRAW THAT BREAKS THE CAMEL’S BACK”
- Nghĩa là cọng rơm cuối cùng làm gãy lưng con lạc đà. 
- Nôm na theo tiếng Việt là “GIỌT NƯỚC TRÀN LY,” để nói đến một sự việc, hành động, hay lời nói gì đó khiến đối phương không thể chịu đựng được nữa. 
Ví dụ: 
✍️ She has been trying to ignore his acts of cheating, but witnessing his mistress abusing her son is the last straw. 
Cô ấy đã cố gắng lờ đi những hành động ngoại tình của anh ta, nhưng chứng kiến tiểu tam hành hạ con trai mình chính là giọt nước tràn ly. 
✍️ He has been trying to tolerate his manager’s unreasonable requests, but the recent verbal abuse is the last straw. 
Anh ấy đã cố gắng chịu đựng những đòi hỏi vô lý của quản lý, nhưng sự bạo hành bằng lời nói gần đây là giọt nước tràn ly. 
✍️ We have been giving her many opportunities to learn from her mistakes. However, her recent mistake costs us a lot of money. It is the last straw! 
Chúng tôi đã cho cô ấy rất nhiều cơ hội để học hỏi từ lỗi sai của mình. Tuy nhiên, lỗi sai gần đây của cô ấy tổn hại rất nhiều tiền. Đó là giọt nước tràn ly.

light at the end of the tunnel

Ánh sáng cuối đường hầm
Thành ngữ này có nghĩa là: 
- Ánh sáng cuối đường hầm 
- Dấu hiệu, hi vọng rằng một giai đoạn khó khăn sắp kết thúc
Ví dụ: 
⚡️I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel after matching into a medical residency program. 
Cuối cùng tôi cũng nhìn thấy ánh sáng cuối đường hầm sau khi đậu vào một chương trình bác sĩ nội trú. 
⚡️ With the rapid rise of COVID-19 cases in the past month, we are still not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel yet. 
Với số ca COVID-19 tăng vọt trong tháng vừa qua, chúng ta vẫn chưa thấy ánh sáng cuối đường hầm. 
⚡️ After many years of studying English, she finally sees the light at the end of the tunnel when she is able to carry out a conversation with a foreigner with confidence. 
Sau nhiều năm học Tiếng Anh, cô ấy cuối cùng cũng nhìn thây ánh sáng cuối đường hầm khi có thể nói chuyện với nước ngoài một cách tự tin. 

ring the bell

nghe quen quen, không nhớ rõ cho lắm
Have you ever heard of Warren Buffet?
Hmm, the name rings a bell.
He's the fourth wealthiest person in the world.

up in the air

sth has not been resolved, finished or answered yet. It's usually referred to a plan or a decision that has not been decided or being uncertain.
I think I can do it quickly, but the exact schedule is still up in the air.

have a go at someone

(Brit Informal phrase)
1. to criticise someone strongly, often without good reason
I'm not having a go at you, don't be so sensitive.
I was angry because I figured she was just having a go at me for the sake of it. 
I've had a long day, I'm exhausted and fed up and you have a go at me as soon as I walk in the door.
2. If you have a go at someone, you attack them physically
The police had to stop the crowd by having a go at him.

for some or whatever reason

used to say it isn't known why someone does something; used for saying that you do not know why something happened, especially when you think there is no good reason for it.
He is always late, for some/whatever reason.
For some reason, they wouldn't let me help them.
For some reason, the curtains were shut.
For some inexplicable reason, she was attracted to Pattrick.

work like a charm

(also work like magic)
 to be very effective, possibly in a surprising way = be completely successful or effective = to produce a desired result very easily and effectively: to work very well
  1. Flattery usually works like a charm on him.
  2. The new sales approach worked like a charm.
  3. The cleaning fluid worked like a charm on the carpet stain.

in someone's debt

grateful for something someone did for you
I'm in the senator's debt for getting my husband visa.

in a spin

(informal) worried and confused
She's in a spin over the arrangements for the party. Cô ấy lo lắng và không rõ ràng về sự sắp xếp cho buổi tiệc.
News of the director's resignation sent/threw the management into a spin. Tin về việc giám đốc từ chức đã gởi đến/ném ra việc quản lý lo lắng và bất định.

in a nutshell

very briefly, giving only the main points = in a few words
What went wrong? - In a nutshell, everything.
Just tell me the story in a nutshell.
The truth in a nutshell is that I knew nothing of politics until I heard my mom's opinion on the war.

in a pinch

UK: at a pinch = if necessary
Something that you can do at a pinch can be done if it is really necessary, but it will be difficult, not perfect, or not what you would really like.
I need £20,000 to set up the business, but I suppose £15,000 would do at a pinch.
You should use lime juice, but in a pinch lemon juice will work.
You can use cat command if vim isn't installed, which will most likely be the case if it's not a bare/raw container. It works at a pinch and fine when copy and paste to a proper editor locally.

all told

in total; as a complete total
There were 500 people at the festival all told.
There were 500 people there all told.

off and on

sometimes but not regularly = happening or existing only some of the time. If something happens off and on during a period of time, it happens sometimes.
I've had a toothache off and on for a couple of months.
She's been taking drugs off and on since she was 16.
He worked off and on as a bicycle messenger, but he never found permanent work.
Synonyms: sometimes, occasionally, intermittent

anybody can make a mistake

nhân vô thập toàn
syms: to err is human; a good marksman may miss; he is lifeless that is faultless; nobody's perfect.

with the naked eye

mình trần mắt thịt
without using any special device for making images larger
We live miles away, but on a clear night, you can see the city skyscrapers with the naked eye.

with pleasure

willing. You can say 'With pleasure' as a polite way of saying that you are willing to do something
"Would you mind holding the door open for me, please?" "Oh, with pleasure."
"Could you photocopy the advert and put it in the post to us?" - "With pleasure."

at will

If you can do something at will, you can do it any time you want; when you want to.
He can cry at will.
Some actors can cry at will.
I have shared the document with you. Please edit it or give any comment on it at will.

on second thoughts

US: on second thought (thought: singular)
after thinking about something again; used when you want to change a decision you have made
Can I have a cup of tea, please? Hold on a minute, on second thoughts, I'll have a beer.


in-demand: wanted by a lot of people = được đòi hỏi nhiều; mặt hàng bán chạy
Good secretaries are always in demand.
Today's most in-demand programming language - Python: Python - ngôn ngữ lập trình [cần/tuyển dụng/ưa chuộng/thích/] nhiều nhất

all in good time

used to tell someone to be patient because the thing they are eager for will happen when the time is right
Be patient, you'll hear the result all in good time.

by and by

after a short period
By and by a man appeared
You'll get used to it by and by

put somebody on a pedestal

to believe that someone is perfect; to admire or love someone so much that you believe they have no faults
He had a tendency to put women on a pedestal.
to put someone/something on a pedestal: to behave as if one person is more important than others.
We put athletes and movie stars on a pedestal.

be up to your neck (in sth)

to be very busy = công việc bận rộn ngập tới cổ
I'd like to help, but I'm up to my neck at the moment.
Tôi muốn giúp anh nhưng mà lúc này tôi bận quá, công việc ngập đầu.

be up to your eyes in sth

to be very busy doing something
I'm up to my eyes in homework this week.
I have been up to my eyes fixing bugs happened in the program.

be up to sth

(B1) to be doing something
What are you up to at the moment? Bạn đang làm gì đấy?

leave no stone unturned

to do everything you can to achieve a good result, especially when looking for something:
He left no stone unturned in his search for his natural mother.
I'll leave no stone unturned until I find out the reason.

hit the nail on the head

used if something someone says is precisely correct = Nói trúng tim đen, đánh đúng trọng tâm, nói đúng, đoán đúng
Ex. You hit the nail on the head when you said that your wife is jealous of your secretary. Mày nói đúng tim đen khi nói rằng vợ mày ghen với cô thư ký riêng.

keep your chin up

informal, spoken
remain cheerful in difficult circumstances = dũng cảm và tiếp tục; used to tell someone to make an effort to stay brave and confident when they are in a difficult situation.
"Keep your chin up, we're not lost yet!" Hãy dũng cảm và tiếp tục, chúng ta vẫn chưa mất hết!"
Chin up! It'll be over soon.
Keep your chin up! We'll get through this together!

know sth inside out

(C1) to know everything about a subject
He knows the system inside out. Anh ấy biết rõ (từng chân tơ kẻ tóc) của hệ thống.

know sth back to front

UK also know sth backwards; US also know sth backward(s) and forward(s)
to have very good and detailed knowledge of something
She knows her part in the play back to front.

know something like the back of you hand

to know a place very well = biết một địa điểm rất rõ ràng, kĩ lưỡng = như trở bàn tay
She'll give you the name of a place to stay - she knows the area like the back of her hand.

once in a while

sometimes but not often = thỉnh thoảng nhưng không thường xuyên; đôi khi, lâu lâu
We meet for lunch once in a while. Chúng tôi gặp gỡ ăn trưa cùng nhau một vài lần.
Have you have been to the new movie theatre? No, only see movies once in a while. Bạn đi rạp phim mới chưa? Chưa, tôi lâu lâu mới đi coi phim à.

in the red

mất tiền, lỗ = a company or organization that is in the red has lost money in a particular period:
Business is really going poorly these days. We've been in the red for the past three months. Tình hình kinh doanh đang tệ đi. Chúng ta thua lỗ trong ba tháng qua.
Currently, the group is in the red by $1.7 million.

in the black

sinh lời, có lời
a company or organisation that is in the black has made a profit
Analysts predict that the group will end the fiscal year in the black.
Our business is really improving. We've been in the black all year. Công ty chúng tôi thật sự được cải thiện. Chúng ta đang có lời cả năm.

hit the hay

đi ngủ = to go to bed in order to sleep
= hit the sack
It's after 12 o'clock. I think it's time to hit the hay. 12 giờ hơn rồi. Tôi nghĩ tới giờ ngủ rồi.
I have a busy day tomorrow, so I think I'll hit the sack. Tôi có một ngày bận rộn vào hôm sau, vậy nên tôi nghĩ mình sẽ đi ngủ.

in ages

từ rất lâu = for ages
Have you seen Joe recently? I haven't seen him in ages. Dạo này có thấy Joe không? Tôi không thấy anh ấy từ rất lâu rồi.

figure something out

hiểu được vấn đề gì
I don't understand how to do this problem. Take a look at it. Maybe you can figure it out. Tôi không biết giải quyết vấn đề này. Nhìn thử đi. Có khi bạn sẽ hiểu được vấn đề.

drop someone a line

(informal) gởi một lá thư hay một email cho ai đó
It was good to meet you. Drop me a line when you have time. Thật vui khi gặp bạn. Gửi thư hay mail cho tôi khi bạn có thời gian nhé.

fill sb on sth

to tell someone something they do not know, especially something that happened when they were not there = nói với ai một thứ gì đó mà họ không biết, đặc biệt là thứ mà đã xảy ra khi họ không có ở đó.
I haven't seen the latest report, so perhaps you could fill me in? Tôi không thấy bản báo cáo mới nhất, vì vậy bạn có thể nói cho tôi biết được không?
Josh filled me in on what had been agreed at the meeting. Josh đã nói cho tôi biết những gì đã đồng ý/thỏa thuận trong/tại buổi họp.

fill in for someone

to do the work of someone else for a short time = làm dùm ai khi họ vắng mặt
I asked Agnes to fill in for me while I went for lunch. Tôi nhờ Agnes làm giúp trong lúc tôi đi ăn trưa.
When you're off sick, someone else has to fill in. Khi bạn nghỉ ốm, một ai đó đã làm giúp.
While I was away from the store, my brother filled in for me. Khi tôi không có ở cửa hàng, em tôi sẽ làm giúp tôi.

cut it out

(infml) stop doing that = dừng làm việc xấu
Cut it out, you two - I'm tired of listening to you argue!
That noise is really annoying. Cut it out! Tiếng ồn đó khó chịu quá. Ngưng nó lại!

be sick and tired of

sick (and tired) of someone/something = ghet (khong chiu duoc) = to have experienced too much of someone or something with the result that you are annoyed
I'm sick and tired of him whining about money.
I'm sick and tired of doing nothing but work. Let's go out tonight and have fun. Tôi ghét làm việc suốt. Tối nay đi chơi tìm niềm vui nào.

bend over backwards

cố gắng hết sức để giúp ai đó = to try very hard to do something good or helpful
Mann insisted that he bent over backwards to be objective in presenting the story.
Mann khăng khăng rằng anh ấy đã cố hết sức để được khách quan trong việc trình bày câu chuyên.
Q: Describe a time when you helped a friend.
A: My close friend broke up with his girlfriend last month and he was really upset about that. As a friend, I bent over backwards to comfort him.
He bent over backwards to please his new wife, but she never seemed satisfied. Anh ta có cố gắng hết sức để chiều cô vợ mới cưới nhưng cô ấy dường như chưa bao giờ thấy hài lòng.

Sleep on it

To not make immediately decision about a plan or idea. But wait until the next day in order to have more time.
Không đưa ra quyết định ngay lập tức về một ý tưởng hay kế hoạch nào đó. Nhưng đợi đến ngày hôm sau để bạn có thêm thời gian để nghiền ngẫm về nó.
Ex: You don't give me your decision now. Sleep on it, and let me know tomorrow. Bạn không phải đưa ra quyết định ngay bây giờ. Hãy suy nghĩ thêm về điều đó và cho tôi biết vào hôm sau.
That sounds like a good deal, but I'd like to sleep on it before I give you my final decision. Đó có vẻ là một đề nghị tốt, nhưng tôi muốn suy nghĩ kĩ trước khi có quyết định cuối cùng.

put yourself in her shoes

thử đặt mình vào vị trí/hoàn cảnh của cô ấy
put yourself in somebody's place/position/shoes = to imagine how someone else feels in a difficult situation
Put yourself in my place - what else could I have done?
Ì you put yourself in my shoes, you would understand why I made that decision.

and then some

(informal) and even more = thậm chí hơn, hơn những gì đã đề cập tới
There were 200,000 people and then some at the demonstration.
It looked like 20,000 people and then some were crowded into the stadium.
Investors in the business got their money back and then some.

before long

a rather short amount of time = một thời gian khá ngắn = soon
I will be gone before long, but I hope you learn a lot.
With a little exercise, you'll be back in shape before long.

read my mind

tương tự: read your mind, read his mind
refers to the idea that thoughts are known by another = chỉ một ý tưởng hoặc suy nghĩ đã được người khác biết (to know what someone is thinking without them telling you)
I was surprised he knew what I was planning like he could read my mind.
"How about a drink, then?" "Ah, you read my mind"

be over the moon

(B2) on the top of the world = to be very pleased = cực kì hạnh phúc = to be extremely pleased or happy
I am over the moon about being accepted to the university.
She was over the moon about/with her new car.
I was over the moon when I passed my practical driving test.

on the dot

happens at a particular time, precise time, exactly time = ở một thời điểm chính xác = exactly at the stated or expected time:
  • The plane landed at two o'clock on the dot.
  • She came promptly on the dot of eleven.
  • The class will start at 8:00 AM on the dot, so don't be late!

be in deep water

trong tình thế nguy hiểm/khó khăn = to be in or get into serious trouble
also. get into deep water
He has not submitted his dissertation so he's in deep water.
The Democrats are in deep water over their plans for tax increases.

behind the times

(C1) if someone or something is behind the times, they are old-fashioned = lỗi thời, hết thời
The robot is a century behind the times.
My friend never likes using smartphones. She's behind the times.

let's face it

hãy đối mặt/chấp nhận sự thật/thực tế
Let's face it. You won't be able to achieve 7.0 IELTS if you do not work hard.
= something that you say before you say something that is unpleasant but true
Let's face it, we both know why I stopped working there.
= said before stating something that is unpleasant but true.
Let's face it, we're not going to win.

explore all avenues

suy tính đến các hướng/bước để tránh xảy ra vấn dề/hậu quả xấu = to investigate or pursue every possible means to find a solution to a given problem or to achieve a desired outcome
We need to explore all avenues before doing something that is not very safe to a great number of people in order to minimise unfavourable consequences.
Right now, we are exploring all avenues to catch the perpetrator of the heinous crime.
We've explored all avenues, but I just cannot see how we can continue to afford living in this house.

wet behind the ears

miệng còn hôi sữa, quá non nớt = to be young and without experience = lacking experience; immature
He's a nice young fellow but a bit wet behind the ears.

If you say that someone is still wet behind the ears, you mean that they have only recently arrived in a new place or job, and are therefore still not experienced.
You know I have started my position for a few weeks so then I have still been wet behind the ears.

get up on the wrong side of the bed

to be in a bad mood and to be easily annoyed all day = trai qua dieu toi te nao do và dễ dàng bị cáu giận
UK: get out of bed on the wrong side.
Q: Describe a frustrating time you had to go through.
A: It was a few months ago when I had to experience as a heart-breaking incident: I had to break up with my girlfriend. I can still remember one or two weeks after that I always got up the wrong side of the bed in the morning.

be as fit as a fiddle

to be very healthy and strong = khoe manh
My grandmother's 89, but she's as fit as a fiddle.
Q: How often did you play sports in the past?
A: Well, I was a sporty person so I used to participate in a lot of physical activities which really helped me become as fit as a fiddle.

hit the books

study hard = to study = học hành chăm chỉ, cần mẫn
I can't go out tonight. I need to hit the books.
I will sit the final test next week. That's why I have been hitting the books all day long.

sit on the fence

to delay making a decision = trung lập, không đứng về phe nào
You can't sit on the fence any longer - you have to decide whose side you're on.
When people are arguing about the education system, I prefer to sit on the fence.

miss a boat

(C2) miss an opportunity = to lose an opportunity to do something by being slow to act = lỡ mất cơ hội
I sent my application in late and I think I missed the boat.
There were tickets available last week, but he missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy some.

go the extra mile

to make more effort than is expected of you = làm quá mức bình thường
She is the greatest teacher I've ever known. She is always willing to go the extra mile for her students.
To be successful, you need to be willing to go the extra milee for your customers.

set in your ways

not like the change in your life = không muốn/thích thay đổi
They're very set in their ways - they always eat dinner exactly at 6:00.
My parents are quite traditional and set in their ways.
Bố mẹ tôi khá truyền thống và không muốn thay đổi.

find my feet

find one's feet = to become comfortable doing something = cảm thấy thoải mái khi làm gì
to become familiar with and confident in a new situation
Although I had some difficulties in living far from home as first, I soon found my feet.
Did it take you long to find your feet when you started your new job?

be down in the mouth

to be sad

down in the dumps

(C2) sad = unhappy
She's a bit down in the dumps because she failed one of her exams.
When I moved to another school, I was really down in the dumps.


average, ordinary and not special or exciting in any way = hoạt động bình thường
My computer was very run-of-the-mill yesterday.
He gave a fairly run-of-the-mill speech.

At the drop of a hat

without any hesitation; instantly = ngay lap tuc
If you do something at the drop of a hat, you do it immediately without stopping to think about it.
Không ngần ngại, ngay lập tức
Ex: People will file lawsuits at the drop of a hat these days. Ngày nay, người ta sẽ trình diện vụ việc kiện cáo mà không cần phải suy nghĩ nhiều.
If you need help, just call on me. I can come at the drop of a hat.

a hot potato

a controversial topic = vấn đề gây tranh cãi = a problem, situation, etc. that is difficult to deal with and causes a lot of disagreement.
Speak of an issue (mostly current) which many people are talking about and which is usually disputed.
Nói về một chủ đề đang là tâm điểm của các cuộc nói chuyện và đó là chủ đề dễ gây tranh cãi.
Changing the education system is a hot potato in Vietnam at the moment.
The abortion issue is a political hot potato in the United States.

judge a book by its cover

trông mặt mà bắt hình dong.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Đừng đánh giá con người qua bề ngoài.
Q: What is your opinion about the fact that people usually judge each other based on their first impression?
A: I think people shouldn't do that because we cannot judge a book by its cover.

Practice makes perfect

Có công mài sắt có ngày nên kim
Is diligence one of the determinants of success?
Yes, absolutely. Practice makes perfect!

once in a blue moon

Not very often = very rarely = năm thì mười họa, hiếm khi
It only happens like this once every blue moon.
Nó hiếm khi xảy ra.
Once in a blue moon, there's an issue I cannot resolve.
Năm thì mời họa mới có một vấn đề mà tôi không giải quyết được.
My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon.
Chị tôi sống ở Alaska, vì thế tôi thi thoảng tôi mới đi thăm chị ấy.

put the heat on sb

put the heat on sb (idiom, informal)
to try to persuade or force someone to do something: tạo áp lực cho ai
Eg: We need to put the heat on those guys so that they finally pay their debt to us.

put the lid on sth

put the lid on sth: idiom, old-fashioned
If something that happens puts the lid on a plan, it causes the plan to fail:
Well, James' resignation just about puts the lid on it/the project.

dressed to kill

intentionally wearing clothes that attract sexual attention and admiration; 
wearing glamorous clothes intended to create a striking impression.
If someone is dressed to kill, they are wearing very smart or fashionable clothes because they want people to notice them and think they are attractive.
ăn diện (ăn mặc thật sang trọng để lấy le với bạn bè và để cho họ phải trầm trồ khen ngợi)

Eg: I really thought that I’d be the centre of attention at the dance because I was dressed to kill.

it's the toothpaste out of the tube

A situation that cannot be recovered or reserved to its original state
It's the toothpaste out of the tube, now you can't put it back.


the time during which a machine, especially a computer, is not working or is not able to be used
time when you relax and do not do very much
We had a busy weekend so I'm planning to have some downtime tomorrow.

high flyer

She's one of the best in her industry, she's a real high flyer

up to my eyes

so busy: bận việc, nhiều việc đến ngập đầu
I can't talk right now, I'm up to my eyes with housework. Tôi không thể nói chuyện lúc này, tôi bận với công việc nhà cửa đến ngập mặt.

come into being

to begin to exist; to come to be
The story of how the university came into being is quite fascinating.

When it comes to sth

khi nói đến việc...
When it comes to football, Vietnam is one of the best teams in Southeast Asia.
When it comes to Japan, people immediately think of JVA, especially Maria Ozawa.

not to mention

(B2) phrase of mention: 
  • used when you want to emphasize something that you are adding to a list.
  • used to introduce an additional point which reinforces the point being made.
  1. I'm amazed you find the time, not to mention the energy, to do any work at all"
synonyms: in addition to, as well as; not counting, not including, to say nothing of, aside from, besides
"lives may be lost, not to mention the ship"

  1. He's one of the kindest and most intelligent, not to mention handsome, men I know.
  2. Not to mention, some small businesses with a growing tech team struggle with JIRA’s plans, which can cost up to $12,000 per year for a team of 500 users. See: 18 Best JIRA Alternatives For Agile Project Management in 2019 – Workzone

do me a favour

We also say: do a favour for me/someone
to do a kind or helpful act for (me/someone)
You can do your uncle a favour by giving him a ride.
Do me a favour, please, and help me move this

something along those lines

this phrase means 'something like this/that'. It's just a little more intellectual-sounding than 'something like that'. = similar to something else
I think you'd be good as a fitness instructor or something along those lines.
He said "Never let anyone tell you what you can do or can't do" or something along those lines.
I was thinking about a shark or something along those lines.
We usually start with general questions along the lines of, 'How do you feel?'
They're trying to organise a trip to the beach or something along those lines.

go a long way

go far
If you say that someone will go a long way, you mean that they will be very successful.
Research the company – learn a bit about what they do and think what makes you want to be part of their business as this will go a long way to impress at interview

right off

= right away/off: immediately; without delay = tout de suite = d'abord; immédiatement
I want it sent right away.
I told him right off what I bought of him.

on/off sb's radar

If someone or something is on your radar, you are/are not aware of them or have/have not thought about them.
She has been on my radar since her first novel came out, but I haven't read any of her books.
Five years ago, having a child wasn't even on my radar.
We recycle our waste, but what happens to it afterwards is completely off our radar.
sym: fall off the radar

as things stand

You use expressions such as
  • as it is
  • as it turns out
  • as things stand
when you are making a contrast between a possible situation and what actually happened or is the case.
Example: I want to work at home on a Tuesday but as it turns out sometimes it's a Wednesday or a Thursday.
As a situation is at this time. 
  • As things stand, we'll have 12 people at dinner tonight.
    Với tình hình như bây giờ, chúng ta sẽ có 12 người tham dự tiệc tối nay.
  • Will you please apologize to Dottie? As things stand now, she's really mad at you.
    Bạn sẽ vui lòng xin lỗi Dottie chứ? Với tình hình hiện tại, cô ấy thật sự phát điên với bạn đấy. 
the present situation is that
  • As things stand, we won’t finish the job on time, but we might if we get some extra help.
    Với tình hình bây giờ, chúng ta sẽ không kịp hoàn thành công việc, nhưng mà chúng ta có thể hoàn thành nếu có thêm sự giúp đỡ.
  • As things stand in the other groups, it’s highly likely the ‘Golden Dragons’ will go through to the next round – having made their way back into the AFC Asian Cup after a massive 12-year absence from the tournament. See: AFC Asian Cup 2019: 5 talking points as Vietnam beat Yemen 2-0 | FOX Sports Asia

as far as it goes

used to say that something has good qualities but could be better.
It's a good essay as far as it goes. Đó là một luận văn hay nhưng có thể làm tốt hơn.

hit it out of the park

To do or perform something extraordinary well; to produce or earn an exceptional achievement. It means it was a great success. Làm hoặc thực hiện một thứ gì đó một cách vượt trội; sản xuất hoặc đạt được một thành tựu ngoài mong đợi. Nó có nghĩa đó là một thành công lớn.
  • You hit out of the park with your presentation. Bạn đã có một bài thuyết trình trên cả tuyệt vời.
  • Great job on that report, Jacobs - you really hit it out of the park!
  • I'm pretty sure I hit that test out of the ballpark. Tôi khá chắc chắn là tôi đã làm bài test trên cả mong đợi.

give someone a break

stop criticising or being angry with someone; used when you want someone to stop doing or saying something that is annoying you. Ngưng chỉ trích hay giận dữ một ai đó, được sử dụng khi mà bạn muốn ai đó ngưng làm hay nói điều gì mà làm phiền lòng bạn.
  • Give her a break - she was only five minutes late. Thôi đừng có giận nữa - cô ấy đi muộn có 5 phút mà.
  • I once went for 50 hours without sleep. Oh, give me a break, that's impossible.

Having said that

despite what has just been said
  • He forgets most things, but having said that, he always remembers my birthday. Anh ấy quên hầu như mọi thứ, nhưng nói thì nói vậy, anh ta luôn nhớ ngày sinh nhật của tôi.
  • Their work has been fairly good. Having said that, I still think there's room for improvement. Công việc của họ gần đây khá tốt. Nói vậy thôi, tôi vẫn nghĩ rằng vẫn có chỗ để cải thiện đấy.


outstanding, best

the other way round

1. in the opposite position, direction, or order
You put the fork on the right and the knife on the left. They should be the other way round.
2. used to say that the opposite situation is true
Sometimes I cook and she does the dishes and sometimes it is the other way round.

carry coals to Newcastle

chở củi về rừng,
Syms: take coals to Newcastle
to supply something to a place or person that already has a lot of that particular thing.
to do something unnecessary; bring or furnish something of which there is plenty.
Newcastle is an English city near many coal mines, and coal is sent out there to other places.
Exporting pine to Scandinavia seems like carrying coals to Newcastle. Xuất khẩu gỗ thông sang các nước vùng Scandinavia dường như là chở củi về rừng.

Add fuel to the fire

To make an argument or disagreement/bad situation worse
Đổ thêm dầu vào lửa
Syms: add fuel to the flames = add insult to injury
I wanted to help, but I was afraid I would add fuel to the fire. Tôi thì đã muốn giúp đấy, nhưng tôi e mà đổ thêm dầu vào lửa.
The President said that he wouldn't add fuel to the fire by commenting without knowing all the facts.
I was late and, to add insult to injury, forgot my keys.

rock the boat

say or do something to disturb the situation, nói hay làm điều gì đó làm xáo trộn tình hình, đảo ngược tình thế
Don't rock the boat since we are getting along so well.
It's a shame that local, friendly business that was carried out between me and Ms Hoa can be compromised by yourself deciding to rock the boat.

The fall of day

Lúc chập tối

The fall of night

lúc màn đêm buông xuống

on cloud nine

Vui sướng, như trên mây (trên chín tầng mây)
When I got my promotion, I was on cloud nine. Khi tôi được thăng tiến, cảm giấc như trên mây.

face the music

Chịu trận, hứng chịu hậu quả.
The others all ran off, leaving me to face the music. Tất cả những người kia bỏ chạy, bỏ lại mình tôi hứng chịu hậu quả.

black and white

Giấy trắng mực đen
I want the contract in black and white. Tôi muốn hợp đồng bằng giấy trắng mặt đen.

smell a rat

Thấy sai sai
Ex. I don't think this was an accident. I smell a rat. Tôi không nghĩ đó là một tai nạn. Tôi thấy hơi sai sai.

break a leg

Chúc may mắn.
Ex. Break a leg in your test day! Chúc bạn may mắn trong ngày kiểm tra!

fish in troubled waters

Nước đục thả câu = Đục nước béo cò.
to try to win an advantage from a difficult situation or from someone else's problems: cố gắng chiến thắng/thu lợi từ một tình hướng khó khăn hoặc từ những trục trặc của ai đó.
  1. We must be careful not to appear to be fishing in troubled waters.
    Chúng ta phải cẩn thận không bị rơi/xuất hiện trong tình cảnh đục nước béo cò.
  2. Frank is fishing in troubled waters by buying more shares of that company.
    Frank đang nhờ nước đục thả câu bằng việc mua nhiều cổ phiếu của công ty đó.
  3. They are supposed to be in financial difficulties. The company could make more money by selling armaments abroad, but they would be fishing in troubled waters.
    Họ được cho là đang gặp những khó khăn về tài chính. Công ty có thể phải kiếm thêm tiền để bán...

step on someone’s toes

to upset someone, esp. by getting involved in something that is that person’sresponsibility:
It’s a very competitive business – you can’t afford to step on too many toes.

As easy as abc

Dễ như trở bàn tay 

As hot as pepper

Cay như ớt

As hot as fire

Nóng như lửa

As white as snow

Trắng như tuyết

you reap what you sow

gieo nhan nao thi gat qua nay

out of the frying pan into the fire

tranh vo dua gap vo dua

As cold as ice

Lạnh như tiền. VD: mặt lạnh như tiền

As heavy as lead

Nặng như đeo đá

As dark as midnight

Tối như đêm ba mươi

It takes two to do something

Tai anh tai a, tai ca doi ben

A flood of words

Thao tao bat tuyet

To speak by the book

Noi co sach mach co chung

Pour oil on the flames

Do them dau vao lua

Like water off a duck's back

Nuoc do dau vit

More death than alive

thua song thieu chet

Pride will have a fall

Treo cao nga dau

To put a quart into a pint pot

Lay thung up voi

better a glorious death than a shameful life

Chet vinh con hon song nhuc

It never rains but it pours

Hoa vo don chi

The wish is father to the thought

Uoc ao lam sao, cua chiem bao la vay

To throw out a sprat to catch a mackerel

Tha con san sat, bat con ca ro

To run with the hare and hold with the hound

Bat ca hai tay

So many heads, so many minds

Ba nhan ba tinh

Half a loaf is better than no bread

Meo mo co hon khong

Where there is a will, there is a way

Co chi thi nen

One nail drives out another

Vo quyt day co mong tay nhon

Men make houses, women make homes

Dan ong xay nha, dan ba xay to am

A good fame is better than a good face

Tot go hon tot nuoc son

A good name is a rich heritage

Tot go hon tot nuoc son

He who sees through life and death will meet with most success

Biet nguoi biet ta, tram tran tram thang

Who breaks, pays

Ai lam nay chiu

As the call, as the echo

Ac gia, ac bao

As young ox learns to plow from an older one

Khong thay do may lam nen

Better luck next time

Thua keo này ta bày keo khác

After rain comes fair weather

Sau cơn mưa trời lại sáng

Love can't be forced

Ép dầu ép mỡ ai nỡ ép duyên

As clear as daylight

Rõ như ban ngày

To be not as black as it is painted

Không tệ như mọi người nghĩ

As black as coal

Đen như mực

As and when

Khi nào có dịp

As ancient as the sun

Xưa như quả đất

As alike as two peas

Giống nhau như hai giọt nước

As ageless as the sun

Trẻ mãi không già

Money is a good servant but bad master

Tiền là một người đầy tớ đắc lực nhưng là một ông chủ tồi

A clean hand wants no washing

Cây ngay không sợ chết đứng

Misfortunes never come alone

Họa vô đơn chí

Money talks

Có tiền mua tiên cũng được

Time cure all pains

Thời gian sẽ làm lành mọi vết thương

A black hen lays a white egg

Xanh vỏ đỏ lòng

Death pays all debts

Chết là hết

The die is cast

Chạy trời không khỏi nắng

The failure is the mother of success

Thất bại là mẹ thành công

A clean hand needs no washing

Vàng thật không sợ lửa

A good beginning makes a good ending

Đầu xuôi đuôi lọt

A good face is a letter of recommendation

Nhân hiền tại mạo

A good name is better than riches

Tốt danh hơn tốt áo

A good name is sooner lost than won

Mua danh ba vạn bán danh ba đồng

A man is known by the company he keeps

Nhìn việc biết người

A good wife makes a good husband

Trai khôn vì vợ, gái ngoan vì chồng

You can't have it both ways

Được cái này thì mất cái kia

To give him an inch, he will take a yard

Được voi đòi tiên

To live from hand to mouth

Được đồng nào hay đồng đó

Sink or swim

Được ăn cả ngã về không

No more no less

Không hơn không kém

Travel broadens the mind

Đi một ngày đàng học một sàng khôn

Better late than never

Thà trễ còn hơn không

To set a sprat to catch a mackerel

Thả con tép bắt con tôm

Never put off tomorrow what you can do today

Việc gì làm được hôm nay chớ để ngày mai

All that glitters is not gold

Chớ thấy sáng loáng mà tưởng là vàng

When you eat a fruit, think of the man who planted the tree

Uống nước nhớ nguồn, ăn quả nhớ kẻ trồng cây

Never say die up man try

Đừng bao giờ bỏ cuộc

Birds have the same feather stick together

Đồng thanh tương ứng, đồng khí tương cầu

United we stand, divided we fall

Đoàn kết là sống, chia rẽ là chết

Better die on your feet than live on your knees

Chết vinh còn hơn sống nhục

Bitter pills may have blessed effects

Thuốc đắng dã tật

To kill two birds with one stone

Nhất cửa lưỡng tiện
Một mũi tên trúng nhiều đích

We reap what we sow

Gieo gió ắt gặp bão

Let bygones be bygones

Việc gì qua rồi hãy cho qua

Where there's smoke, there's fire

Không có lửa sao có khói

Love is blind

Tình yêu là mù quáng

If you can't bite, never show your teeth

Miệng hùm gang sứa

Laughing is the best medicine

Một nụ cười bằng mười than thuốc bổ

Losers are always in the wrong

Thắng làm vua thua làm giặc

A miss is as good as a mile

Sai một ly đi một dặm

A good turn deserves another

Ở hiền gặp lành

Neck or nothing

Không vào hang cọp sao bắt được cọp

If you sell your cow, you will sell her milk too

Cùi không sợ lở

Haste makes waste

Dục tốc bất đạt

To carry coals to Newcastle

Chở củi về rừng

Don't count your chickens before they hatch

Nói trước bước không qua

Who drinks will drink again

Chứng nào tật nấy

When the cat is away, the mice will play

Vắng chủ nhà gà mọc đuôi tôm

Tit for tat

Ăn miếng trả miếng

It's the first step that counts

Vạn sự khởi đầu nan

His eyes are bigger than his belly

No bụng đói con mắt

He that knows nothing doubts nothing

Điếc không sợ súng

Great minds think alike

Ý tưởng lớn gặp nhau

Good watch prevents misfortune

Cẩn tắc vô ưu/áy náy

Blood is thicker than water

Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Yêu nên tốt, ghét nên xấu

He who excuses himself, accuses himself

Có tật giật mình

The empty vessel makes greatest sound

Thùng rỗng kêu to

While there's life, there's hope

Còn nước còn tát

Other times other ways

Mỗi thời mỗi cách

Nothing venture nothing gains

Phi thương bất phú

Easy come easy go

Dễ được thì cũng dễ mất

Grasp all lose all

Tham thì thâm

No pains no gains

Tay làm hàm nhai

Curses come home to roost

Ác giả ác báo

A friend in need is a friend indeed

Hoạn nạn mới biết bạn hiền

Every Jack has his ill

Nồi nào úp vung nấy

Jack of all trades and master of none

Nghề nào cũng biết nhưng chẳng tinh nghề nào

Beauty is only skin deep

Cái nết đánh chết cái đẹp

He laughs best who laughsi last

Cười người hôm trước hôm sau người cười

When in Rome do as the Romans do

Nhập gia tùy tục

Every day is not Sunday

Sông có khúc người có lúc

Every man has his mistakes

Không ai hoàn hảo cả

So many men, so many minds

Chín người mười ý

East or West home is best

Dù trong dù đục ao nhà vẫn hơn

Out of sight out of mind

Xa mặt cách lòng

Man proposes God deposes

Mưu sự tại nhân thành sự tại thiên

It's no use beating around the bush

Nói gần nói xa chẳng qua nói thật

Speak one way and act another

Nói một đường làm một nẻo

Spare the rod and spoil the child

Thương cho roi cho vọt

Diamond cuts diamond

Vỏ quýt dày có móng tay nhọn

Good wine needs no bush

Hữu xạ tự nhiên hương

All roads lead to Rome

Đường nào cũng về La Mã

As strong as a horse

Khỏe như trâu

You get what you pay for

Tiền nào của nấy

Nobody has ever shed tears without seeing a coffin

Chưa thấy quan tài chưa đổ lệ

To try to run before the one can walk

Chưa học bò chớ lo học chạy

Never offer to teach fish to swim

Múa rìu qua mắt thợ

handsome is as handsome does

Tốt gỗ hơn tốt nước sơn

With age comes wisdom

Gừng càng già càng cay

It's too late to lock the stable when the horse is stolen

Mất bò mới lo làm chuồng

New one in, old one out

Có mới nới cũ

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

Có qua có lại mới toại lòng nhau

Gratitude is the sign of noble souls

Ăn quả nhớ kẻ trồng cây

In the nick of time

Only just in time, at the last possible moment; just before it is too late or just before something bad happens.
  • The rescue came in the nick of time. Cứu hộ đến ngay lập tức.
  • We got there just in the nick of time. Chúng tôi đến đó đúng giờ.
  • Luckily, help arrived in the nick of time. May mắn, hỗ trợ đến kịp thời.

Every cloud has a silver lining

Used to say that there is something good even in a situation that seems very sad or difficult.
Said to emphasise that every difficult or unpleasant situation has some advantage
trong cái rủi vẫn có cái may
Example: “I found a new job after all, and I like this one even better than the last.”
Reply: “You see? Every cloud has a silver lining.”

have butterflies in your stomach

The nervous feeling before something important or stressful is known as butterflies in your stomach.
to feel very nervous, usually about something you are going to do
  • I had terrible butterflies in my stomach before I gave that talk in Venice.
    Tôi lo lắng kinh khủng trước khi tôi trình bày bài nói ở Venice.
  • Why do you get butterflies in your stomach?
    Tại sao bạn lo lắng quá vậy?

with a bang

If something starts, ends, returns, etc. with a bang, it starts, ends, etc. in a very exciting and noticeable way.
  • She took some time off last year, but she's back with a bang with her new album.
    Năm qua cô ấy đã nghỉ ngơi một thời nhưng sau đó xuất hiện trở lại một cách ấn tượng với một bộ sưu tập mới.
  • A karaoke machine? That should help your party go out with a bang.
    Một chiếc máy karaoke ư? Điều đó chắc sẽ làm cho bữa tiệc của chúng ta hoành tráng/hấp dẫn đây.

get something off your chest

to tell someone about something that has been worrying you or making you feel guilty for a long time; so you feel better afterwards
  • I had spent two months worrying about it and I was glad to get it off my chest.
  • Charlie was feeling bad about cheating on his wife, so he got it off his chest and told her about it. She divorced him soon after.

hold your horses

used to tell someone to stop and consider carefully their decision or opinion about something (old-fashioned informal)
  • Just hold your horses, Bill! Let's think about this for a moment!
  • Hold your horses! It's dangerous!

If I were in your shoes

having the same experience as someone else
used when you want to tell someone what you would do in their situation
  • If I were in your shoes, I think I'd write to her rather than try to explain over the phone.
  • You're alone. Lots of people are in your shoes, looking for work.

Taste of your own medicine

If you give someone a taste of their own medicine, you do something bad to someone that they have done to you to teach them a lesson.
The phrase "a taste of your own medicine" means someone should have the same unpleasant experience that they themselves have given to someone, to show them how bad it is.
Similarly: a dose of one's medicine
Tiếng Việt: trả giá/quả báo (nghe nặng nề quá)/trả đũa
  • Now you see how it feels to have someone call you names! You are getting a taste of your own medicine!
    Bây giờ bạn thấy đấy cái cảm giác người khác gọi bạn với nhiều tên như thế nào! Bạn sẽ phải trả giá hành vi của mình trước đo.
  • John, who is often rude and abrupt with people, was devastated when the teacher treated him rudely. He doesn't like having a dose of his own medicine.
    John, người mà thường thô lỗ và gây khó chịu cho người khác, bị cú sốc cực kì khi mà thầy giáo đã xử lý anh ta một cách thô bạo. Anh ta không thích nhận cái giá phải trả đó.

Sick and tired

To be angry and bored because something unpleasant has been happening for a long time
Annoyed about or bored with (someone or something) and unwilling to put up with them any longer (informal)
Similarly: be sick to death of something/doing something
  • You're been giving me the same old excuses for months and I was sick and tired of hearing them.
  • I am sick and tired of all the criticism
  • I've been treated like dirt for two years now and I'm sick to death of it.

Rule of thumb

A rough figure or method of calculation, based on practical experience rather than theory.
A practical and approximate way of doing or measuring something
As a general rule of thumb, children of this age should not spend more than one hour on homework. Như là một kinh nghiệm thực tiện chung, trẻ em ở tuổi này không nên làm bài tập về nhà hơn một giờ.
A good rule of thumb is that a portion of rice is two handfuls. Một quy tắc theo kinh nghiệm là tỉ lệ gạo là hai nhúm.

Out of the blue

If something happens out of the blue, it is completely unexpected.
Once day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving. Vào một ngày, không như mong đợi, cô ta thông báo rằng cô sẽ đi khỏi.

Easier said than done

said when something seems like a good idea but would be difficult to do
Ex: "Why don't you just ask Simon to play?" "That's easier said than done"

Beat around the bush

Speak indirectly or evasively, not directly address the problem. Used when someone doesn't say what he or she means.
Vòng vo tam quốc
Stop beating around the bush and give us your final decision. Hãy dừng vòng vo tam quốc đi nào và cho chúng tôi biết quyết định của anh.

Back to the drawing board

When an attempt fails and it's time to start all over.
To start planning something again because the first plan failed. This idiom is used to indicate that an idea, scheme, or proposal has been unsuccessful and that a new one must be devised
Khi một nỗ lức đã thất bại và nay là lúc để bắt đầu lại từ đầu.
Ex: The government must go back to the drawing board and review the whole issue of youth training.
Chính phủ phải quay thiết kế trở lại và xem xét lại toàn bộ vấn đề đạo tạo lớp trẻ.

An arm and a leg

Very expensive or costly. A large amount of money
Đắt như vàng. Cực kì đắt đỏ, tiêu tốn một lượng tiền lớn.
  1. This dress cost me an arm and a leg. Cái nào này đắt lòi họng.
  2. Large houses cost an arm and a leg to maintain. Những cái nhà to rộng rất tốn nhiều tiền để bảo trì.
  3. It's cost us an arm and a leg.
  4. A cable to Europe costs an arm and a leg.

Add insult to injury

To further a loss with mockery or indignity; to worsen an unfavourable situation
Thêm dầu vào lửa. Xoáy sâu vào sự mất mát của ai đó, làm trầm trọng thêm một tình huống nào đó bằng những câu mỉa mai, chế nhạo.

Actions speak louder than words

People's intentions can be judged better by what they do than what they say
Nói thì dễ làm mới khó. Một người được đánh giá cao hơn bởi những gì họ làm, thay vì những gì họ nói.

A penny for your thoughts

A way of asking what someone is thinking
Dùng để hỏi xem người khác đang nghĩ gì, nhất là khi người đó đã giữ im lặng một khoảng thời gian

so far, so good

Tạm chấp nhận được. Tính đến thời điểm này thì ok.
satisfactory up to this particular time:
"How’s your new job?"
"So far, so good."

off the top of my head

informal, spoken
from the ​knowledge you have in ​your ​memory,
based on what you remember,
without giving it too much thought or without precise knowledge,
if you say something off the top of your head, you say it without thinking about it for very long or looking at something that has been written about it
Off the top of head - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Mary: How much do you think this car would be worth on a trade? 
Fred: Well, right off the top of my head, I'd say about a thousand. 
Tom: What time does the morning train come in? 
Bill: Off the top of my head, I don't know.
I couldn't tell you what the final score was off the top of my head. Off the top of my head I could probably only name about three women artists.
[4] "What's the ​capital of Mauritania?" "I don't ​know off the top of my ​head, but I could go and ​look it up."

be out of your depth

trong tình thế khó khăn/không có kiến thức hoặc kinh nghiệm làm việc gì đó
I am used to teaching General English but I was out of my depth when I had to teach Academic English.

On the one hand

Nghĩa: Nói một cách khác. - used when you are ​comparing two different ​facts or two ​opposite ​ways of ​thinking about a ​situation:
VD: On the one hand I'd like a ​job that ​pays more, but on the other hand I ​enjoy the ​work I'm doing at the ​moment.
We have two things:
On the one hand....
On the other hand....

give me a lift

cho tôi/ai đó quá giang

rather you than me

Rather you than me is an expression used when someone has something unpleasant or arduous to do. It is meant in a good natured way of expressing both sympathy and having a bit of a laugh at their expense.
(informal) used for saying that you would not like to do something that another person is going to do‘I'm going climbing tomorrow.’ ‘Rather you than me!’
mainly UK (US usually better you than me) said by someone who does not ​want to do the thing that someone ​else is doing:"I'm having two ​teeth out next ​week." "Rather you than me."
(Definition of rather you than me from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

Like father like son

Cha nào con nấy

from the bottom of my heart

very ​sincerely: từ tận đáy lòng
When I said I ​loved you, I ​meant it from the bottom of my ​heart.

from the sublime to the ridiculous

from something that is very good or very ​serious to something very ​bad or ​silly:
The ​dresses in the ​fashion show went/​ranged from the sublime to the ​ridiculous.

turn out

prove to be the case
go somewhere to attend a meeting, vote, play in a game, etc.

in due course

  1. =  in timefinallyeventuallyin the endsooner or laterin the course of time •  I hope that it will be possible in due course.
  2. at the appropriate time.
    synonyms:at the appropriate time, when the time is ripe, in time, in due time, in the fullness of time, in the course of time, at a later time, at a later date,at length, at a future time/date, at some point in the future, in the future, in time to come, as time goes on/by, by and by, one day, some day, sooner or later, in a while, after a bit, eventually
    "I look forward to hearing from you in due course"

On top of my head

Dang suy nghi trong dau

In terms of

in terms of/in ... termsB2 used to ​describe which ​particular ​area of a ​subject you are ​discussing:In ​financial terms, the ​project was not a ​success.In terms of ​money, I was ​better off in my last ​job.

Less is more


The notion that simplicity and clarity lead to good design.


This is a 19th century proverbial phrase. It is first found in print in Andrea del Sarto, 1855, a poem by Robert Browning:

Who strive - you don't know how the others strive
To paint a little thing like that you smeared
Carelessly passing with your robes afloat,-
Yet do much less, so much less, Someone says,
(I know his name, no matter) - so much less!
Well, less is more, Lucrezia.

less is moreThe phrase is often associated with the architect and furniture designer Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe (1886-1969), one of the founders of modern architecture and a proponent of simplicity of style.

last but not least

(B2) importantly, despite being mentioned after one else.
I would like to ​thank my ​publisher, my ​editor, and, last but not least, my ​husband.

ups and downs

Sự thăng trầm
Life is full of ups and downs.
Cuộc đời lắm thăng trầm.
We have stuck together through ups and downs.
Chúng tôi đã gắn bó với nhau qua những thăng trầm.

Stay in contact

Giữ liên lạc

keep in touch

Giữ liên lạc

like a fish out of water

lạ lẫm
to ​feel ​awkward because you are in a ​situation that you have not ​experienced before or because you are very different from the ​people around you
cảm thấy đơn chiếc (khó xoay sở) bởi vì bạn đang trong tình huống mà bạn không có kinh nghiệm trước đây hoặc vì bạn rất khác/xa lạ/không giống với nhiều người xung quanh bạn

Be in trouble

Gặp rắc rối

Be in hot water

Gặp rắc rối

On the other hand

Nghĩa: Mặt khác - in a way that is different from the first thing you ​mentioned.
Usage: dùng với On the one hand
VD: My ​husband ​likes ​classical ​music – I, on the other ​hand, like all ​kinds.

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