Is it possible to start a web server from any php web based directory?

I recently discovered another way to start a web server from any location for any application written in PHP. As of PHP web developer, I bet all of you are…

Building a Web Server in VirtualBox

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Running a simple http server

In the world of web engineering and development, developing web-based applications always need a web application server where all web pages are accommodated. Depending on what web technology as well…

Apache could not reliably determine the servers fully qualified domain name using for server name error

Apache is one of commonly used web servers in Linux. At the time modifying apache, you need to restart it for updating the modifications without restarting Linux. Sometimes, we may face with…

Comparison of Web Servers (aka, Application Servers)

Apache, GlassFish, WebLogic, Nginx, Resin

Installing LAMPP

Web Programming works with tools to create, design, and code dynamic websites which allow us to update and interact to users. It’s existing a suit of web technology include Linux,…

How to configure a virtual directory in XAMPP

Có hai vấn đề mà tôi thấy cần phải viết bài này: Với những ai đã quen dùng Windows chắc cũng sẽ thao tác dễ dàng với IIS thì việc…

Installing PHP5, MySQL and Apache on Ubuntu

Để lập trình web sử dụng PHP và MySQL trên Ubuntu, chúng ta nên sử dụng XAMPP. Xem trên trang này, chúng ta sẽ biết cách cài đặt. Khá đơn…