Add git branch name to bash prompt

By default, git won’t display branch name to terminal prompt. To know which branch you are in, just run git branch command. However, if you want to customise how to…

Compile and link C++ source codes and headers from terminal in MacOS

Compiling C++ source codes and headers files from Terminal in macOS is a bit painful if you don’t have any experience with compiling. What I have learned below. Create a…

Optional Parameters in Java: Common Strategies and Approaches

Recently, I have written an introduction of default arguments in C++. Now, we are aiming to work with default parameters in Java to see what are similar and different. I…

How to export environment variables defined in a file

Using environment variables in modern applications is very common set -a . ./tmp.txt set +a

Introduction to default parameters in C++

What is a default parameter? When do you have to use default parameters? How to define a function having default parameters? These questions will be discussed in this post. Let’s…

Deploying a Grails App in a standalone Tomcat Docker container

Recently, I have written the post to keep how to dockerise Grails apps with an embedded Tomcat. However, we are entirely able to run Grails apps in a standalone Tomcat,…